Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pagans Proud But Not Loud

Pagans proud but not loud

No tax-exempt status yet but Wiccans gain recognition

Ron Csillag, Weekend Post Published: Saturday, September 20, 2008

Avery un-Toronto scene: In a quiet grove in a quiet park in the middle of the city earlier this month, about 50 mostly youngish people in various sorts of attire formed a rough circle on the damp grass. The area they created was a frith, a kind of sacred space. Four participants at equidistant points in the circle faced away from the others and held aloft hammers --not the claw kind from Canadian Tire but those heavy T-shaped implements the Norse god Thor would wield.

Paying tribute to the four sacred directions, each declared loudly, "Hammer in the [north, east, west, south], hallow and hold this holy site."

Please read the full article here.

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